松浦俊夫|Disc 14 Quantic
Disk 14
Quantic And His Combo Barbaro /Tradition In Transition
Being as a DJ, I'm introducing some "Sounds" (or something or persons that I feel the "Sound" from) in here, such as fashion, art, good drink and food, I hope we can put some more music in our lives so as to make it a little bit more satisfying.
Text by MATSUURA Toshio
イギリス出身のDJ、ミュージシャン、プロデューサー。Quantic(クァンティック)ことWill Holland(ウィル・ホランド)は、2000年代のアンダーグラウンド・ソウル・ファンクシーンを代表するひとりといっても過言ではないアーティストである。
そのダイナミックな活動は、イギリスのクオリティ・ミュージック・レーベルであるTru Thoughts(トゥルー・ソウツ)からリリースされたQuantic名義のデビュー・アルバム『The 5th Exotic』(2001)にはじまり、Quantic Soul Orchestra、Limp Twins、Flowering Infernoなど、さまざまな名義によるファンクネスあふれる数多くのリリースから知ることができる。
とくに07年、Apple iPodのCMに『Mi Swing Es Tropical』が使用されたことにより、世界的にその名が広まる。もともとディープファンクやソウルミュージックの影響を強くうけてきた彼は、さらなる音楽創造の追求のために、よりラテンや民族性の強いコロンビア第三の都市であるCaliに移住した。現地での生活のなかで人びとと交流しながら音楽や文化的影響を多いに受け、自身の新しいプロジェクトQuantic And His Combo Barbaro(異邦人の集団)をスタートさせた。
It was an organic combination of tradition and revolution
where the journey man has arrived
DJ, musician and producer, Will Holland a.k.a. Quantic, is one of the main persons in the underground soul funk scene in this decade of 2000.
His dynamic presence started off in 2001 when he made his debut from Tru Thoughts label with his own album "The 5th Exotic" in England. Also known by Quantic Soul Orchestra, Limp Twins, Flowering Inferno, all these other names are just tips of the iceberg of his productions. Especially in 2007, he became worldiwide when his track "Mi Swing Es Tropical" was used in the iPod CM.
He was heavily influenced by deep funk and soul music but to expand his creation in music he moved to Cali, the third biggest city in Columbia. There he lived his life and communicated with locals, he gained influences by music and culture, and created his own new unit Quantic And His Combo Barbaro(means a collective of foreigners). With local musicians and talented artists from England, Brazil and India, participated to create this album.
As if to object the mainstream of current music scene which seems too flat, this album is filled with organic love to the music.
It's almost like a compilation album beyond borders and genres, this album includes variety of music such as exotic jazz, afro, brazil, latin funk...
However, with Will's taste, it has been directed well as one album.
While listening to this album, it made me feel that music could go back where it supposed to be. I think that this will be one of my best albums of the year.

Quantic And His Combo Barbaro /Tradition In Transition
(Tru Thoughts / Beat Records)