Disk 1&2
Disk 1&2
I'm quite late late from the other participants but now spring is approaching and I will like to start off as well.
Being as a DJ, I'm introducing some "Sounds" (or something or persons that I feel the "Sound" from) in here, such as fashion, art, good drink and food, I hope we can put some more music in our lives so as to make it a little bit more satisfying.
Disk 1
Ben Westbeech / Welcome to the Best of Your Life (Brownswood / Trafic)
20年以上の長きに渡って世界のダンス・ミュージック・シーンに影響を与え続けるDJ、ジャイルス・ピーターソン。今や伝説と化した80年代のACID JAZZ、90年代のTALKIN LOUDに続いて、昨年自ら立ち上げた新しいレーベル"Brownswood Recordings UK"の看板アーティストであるブリストルからのニューカマー、Ben Westbeech。
For more than 20years, the world's dance music scene has been under the influence of Gilles Peterson.
The ACID JAZZ in the 80's and TALKIN' LOUD in 90's, now he started his own label called "Brownswood Recordings UK", and one of his title artist will be the new comer from Bristol、Ben Westbeech.
His productions are soulful as it almost reminds Jamiroqai is already appealing to every genres.
This April 4th he will come to Japan to play to the Brownswood label's launch party at Yellow inTokyo Nishiazabu.
His album release is on April 11th. One of the most exciting artist of 07 is going to land in Japan for his first time.(Also Gilles and I will be DJing at this party).
Hope to see you there.
Listen iTunes Music Store
Disk 2
Simbad / Supersonic Revelation feat Abdul Shyllon / Soul Fever Karizma Remix (Raw Fusion)
Swedenのダンス・ミュージック・レーベルのRaw Fusionからリリース予定のアナログ12インチ。
ロンドン在住のフランス人DJ/プロデューサーのSimbad。昨年同レーベルから発表した"Soul Fever"が世界中のクラブでヒットし、注目を浴びました。多種多様な音楽的バックグラウンドを感じるそのプロダクションは若手の中でもトップクラスだと思います。
私のお勧めは深みのあるソウルトラック"Supersonic Revelation" (Original)とこれまた要注意アーティストKarizmaの"Soul Fever"のリミックスです。
This is a 12inch that will be released soon from Raw Fusion a dance music label in Sweden.
Simbad is London based French DJ/Producer. He released "Soul Fever" last year which became a big tune in clubs all over the world.
With his various musical background his production is top class in the young generation.
My recommendation is a deep soulful track " Supersonic Revelation" (Original) and also "Soul Fever" Remix by Karizma another awesome talent to be checked.