Disk 13
Disk 13
Being as a DJ, I'm introducing some "Sounds" (or something or persons that I feel the "Sound" from) in here, such as fashion, art, good drink and food, I hope we can put some more music in our lives so as to make it a little bit more satisfying.
Text by MATSUURA Toshio
想像を掻立てられ、瞬間(とき)を止める "おと"
mama!milk / Fragrance of Notes (Wind Bell)
そんな彼らの5年ぶりのアルバム『Fragrance of Notes』が今年のうだるような暑さが一段落したのとほぼ時をおなじくしてリリースされた。
彼らの作品ではお馴染みのリトル・クリーチャーズの栗原努(ドラム)、トウヤマタケオ(ピアノ)をはじめ、ミラノのRight Tempoで10年以上にわたって活躍したGak Sato(テルミン)そして井登友一(フルート/トロンボーン)を客演に迎えて編み出された14編の叙情詩はかつて見たことのない、しかしどこか懐かしい遠い記憶を辿る様な音絵巻。
Sound that stops the moment and makes you wonder
mama!milk is by accordion player Yuko Ikoma and ContrabassKosuke Shimizu, they're based in the old city Kyoto and has beendoing a live at art museums, theater, cafe and even at a temple.
Their music are like a flame at the fireplace, burning quietly but not silently and burn the heart of people who listen to it. It's been a while since I have been facinated by their music.
Their new album 『Fragrance of Notes was released this summer after five years, the album is made with artists Tsutomu Kurihara (drums), Takeo Tohyama (piano) and also Gak Sato (Theremin) who worked at Right Tempo for more than 10years, and a lso Yuichi Ito (flute/trombone) as guest players.
The 14tracks or should I say 14piece of poems are like a picture scroll which will bring back some old and sweet memories. It reminded me a film the romantic three piece made by movie director Seijun Suzuki, this
album is a masterpiece.
The sexy and beautiful sound of accordion will cross by to the cool contrabass as if it is trying to seduce and other instruments were smiling to hear that eroticism in that sound and fit in as well.Inner ecstasy comes out from that crossing and continues to stay regardless of time.
This album will become a sound track for me as we toward to autumn.