Disk 12
Disk 12
Being as a DJ, I'm introducing some "Sounds" (or something or persons that I feel the "Sound" from) in here, such as fashion, art, good drink and food, I hope we can put some more music in our lives so as to make it a little bit more satisfying.
Text by MATSUURA Toshio
Various Artists / Alfa Sound 1- compiled & mixed by Toshio Matsuura (Rambling Records)
この夏、イタリアを代表する伝説のスポーツカー・ブランド、アルファロメオが輝かしい歴史に名を刻まれたサラブレッド、8Cシリーズの名を冠してリリースした8C Competizioneが日本に上陸する。
そんな五感で感じる魅力的なスポーツカー8Cのサウンド・トラックというべきコンピレーションが時をおなじくして発売された。2006年9月にパリ・オートサロン(Mondial de l"Automobile)で発表されたときからこのクルマに魅了されていた私がこのプロジェクトにセレクターとして参加できたことは光栄のいたりである。
若干20歳、アイスランドの新星Olafur Arnalds(オラーヴル・アルナルズ)が奏でるピアノとストリングスが美しい"Fok"、先日私のパーティーであるimproに参加する為にイタリアから来日してくれたNicola ConteのこのCDへのエクスクルーシヴ・トラックであるセルジオ・メンデスのカバー"Groovy Samba"、古くからの友人であるU.F.O.のRaphael Sebbagのソロアルバムの楽曲をはじめイギリス、ドイツ、デンマーク、アルゼンチンからペルーまで世界各国から選りすぐったシネマティックでエモーショナルな楽曲が収録することでついにこのアルバムは完成した。音楽ファンはもちろんのこと、アルファのオーナーやファンそしてこれからオーナーになっていくであろう皆さん全員に、このアルバムを聴いて欲しいと思います。
Dashing Romanticism
Various Artists / Alfa Sound 1 - compiled & mixed by Toshio Matsuura (Rambling Records)
This summer 8C Competizione, an Italian sports car Alfa Romeo's genuine breed with it's long and
glorious history will arrive to Japan.
Classical and sexy styling with it's maximum 450hp drive 4.7L, 8-Cylinder V engine will give a soprano of anexhaust note which brings you to the peak and it's gentle drive will provide you a driving pleasure. A compilation as a soundtrack for this attractive sports car that you can feel with your five senses will be released at the same time.
Since I was attracted to this car from 2006 September when it was first shown at the Mondial de l'Automobile in Paris, I am honored to be the music selector of this project.After the project started early this year I went to Barocco in Italy where is a city located in between Trino and Milan, to see Alfa Romeo test course for driving this car and I was inspired in many ways. This car will be sold 500 cars in the world, only 70 in Japan so the track selection had also become very exclusive.
20year-old new star from Iceland Olafur Arnalds beautiful track with piano and strings, "FOK". And Nicola Conte who came to Japan to join my party "Impro" also made an exclusive track for this compilation only "Groove Samba" Sergio Mendes' cover song. Also Raphael Sebbag my old friend from U.F.O. provided his track too. Album is filled with tracks from England to Germany to Denmark to Argentina, all over the world to join this emotional and cinematic compilation.
Not only the music lover but the owners of alfa romeo car and people who are going to be the owner of it's car can listen and enjoy this album and share the romantic journey.