Disk 8
Disk 8
Being as a DJ, I'm introducing some "Sounds" (or something or persons that I feel the "Sound" from) in here, such as fashion, art, good drink and food, I hope we can put some more music in our lives so as to make it a little bit more satisfying.
この秋聴くべき大人の音楽 その3
Jun Miyake / Stolen from strangers (Video Arts)
これが三宅純のニュー・アルバム『Stolen from strangers』を最初に聴いた時の印象でした。
ここ数年はパリに居を移し”異分子”活動を続けていたという彼との久しぶりの再会は、新作である”音”を介してという意外なものだった。Art Lindsay, Arthur H, Vincius Cantuaria, Daffer Yuseffから盟友ジミー村川 (Satoshi Murakawa)まで”曲者”揃いのアーティスト達を見事にまとめあげ、映像のない映画音楽を見事に完成させたのです。
グラフィック・デザイナー、映像ディレクターのJan-Paul Goudeのビジュアルをフィーチャーしたカバーアートがこの作品の全てを言い表しているのではないかと思います。
That's my first impression of listening to Jun Miyake's new album "Stolen from strangers"I heard the first track "Alviverde" at the Jazz section of a CD shop in Shibuya.
I was attracted immidietely and asked to who this music belongs to, I was surprised to hear that it was from a Japanese artist and also one of the artist I respected for long time.
As a Jazz musician from the 80's when energy was flowing, he was already in the front line as a creator making music for films, acts, TV commercials. I met him at the end of 80's at Jazz Club called Bohemia in Nishiazabu. It was a place where you can enjoy Djs playing Jazz and live music while drinking, it was rare to have a place like that at that time. I saw his stage and he had a different aura from other bands. His music was
always full of surprise for a young kid like me, it was sometimes nostalgic Japanese old pops, or Latin, or Cabaret music, always different genre but Jazz.
Few years later, when I became an artist and start creating music, I once rushed to his home in Daikanyama asking him to join our recording for almost nothing.(Unfortunately that session didn't happen afterall).
Now based in Paris I re-encountered to his "different element" move through his new sound. Collaborating with artists like Art Lindsay, Arthur H,Vincius Cantuaria,Daffer Yuseff to his old buddy Jimmy Murakawa (Satoshi Murakawa) he created a soundtrack without the film.
Graphic designer and film director Jan Paul Goude visual's on the album cover art represents the album. With it's multi national groove Jun MIyake created a multi national art, now stepping forward what lies next in front of him? I look forward to see the answer.
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