Disc 7
Disk 7
Being as a DJ, I'm introducing some "Sounds" (or something or persons that I feel the "Sound" from) in here, such as fashion, art, good drink and food, I hope we can put some more music in our lives so as to make it a little bit more satisfying.
この秋聴くべき大人の音楽 その2
Jose Gonzalez / In Our Nature (Octave / Ultra-Vybe)
Jose Gonzalez。
また今年春にリリースされた日本独自のミニ・アルバム『Japan Tour EP』ではポップミュージック・アーティストであるKylie Minogueやポスト・パンクのJoy Division(New Orderの前身)、そして本作ではMassive Attackの"Tear Drop"をカバーするなど時代のツボを押さえる才能も持ち合わせているようです。
ジャンルの垣根を超えて多くの人に”染みていく" Jose Gonzalez。彼の才能はいったいあとどのくらい延び続けるのでしょうか。1ファンとしてゆっくり見守っていきたと思います。
The severe heat was surrounding us, one afternoon at the beach side in August Jose Gonzalez appeared on the stage among the soap bubbles and strong sun.
It reminded the TV CM (http://www.bravia-advert.com/balls/) which his track "Heartbeats" from "Veneer" (his debut albut) was used.
He knows his minimal sound of acoustic guitar and vocals can create enough groove to the dance floor, I don't know whether this is called "Acoustic House" or not though.
The spring released in Japan 『Japan Tour EP』featured cover songd from Pop Diva Kylie Minogue, Post punk band Joy Division(later becomes New Order)and Massive Attack "Tear Drop".
He has quite a good taste to attract the crowd. But his quiet and strong like a river singing VOICE is what makes him most attractive.
Through the album there's an organic touch and melodies in front of you that creates some aura.
While autumn deepens, Jose Gonzalez can soak into various genres.
Wondering how much his talent can go further I will like to see it more.
Sweden http://www.imperialrecordings.se
Japan http://www.jose-gonzalez.jp