![祐真朋樹|from New York #006 Charity Party!](https://cdn.clipkit.co/tenants/576/articles/images/000/004/449/large/c43a6bda-4957-4804-ba71-5b206483e6b5.jpg?1559727290)
祐真朋樹|from New York #006 Charity Party!
GUCCI Fifth Avenue from New York
撮影でニューヨークを訪れている祐真朋樹が、グッチの世界最大のフラッグシップショップ、「Gucci Fifth Avenue」のオープニングイベントに参加。
2月7日の「Gucci Fifth Avenue」新店披露につづいて、翌8日夜は「A Night to Benefit Raising Malawi and UNICEF」が国連ビルで開催されました。
2月6日の夜は、グッチのチャリティパーティ「マラウィの夕べ」が開催された。場所はなんと国連ビル。場所を聞いただけでも、これがいかにBIG PARTYだったかがわかると思うが、とにかく出席者の顔ぶれが凄かった。まるでアカデミー賞かグラミー賞の舞台裏にでも来たような感じ。
Photo by takaki_kumada & kimi suzuki
僕はこの日、フィリップ・リムのショーを見て、そのままホテルに戻る時間もないままパーティ会場へと向かったので、リムジンの車中で“GUCCI BOY”に変身。春物のギンガムチェックの上下で参加したのですが、周りの男たちはほとんどがダークスーツ。それも当然秋冬物だったので、かな~り浮きました。でも、凄い集まりだったな~。
from New York #006
Charity Party!
Tomoki Sukezane, visiting New York for photo shoots, attended the opening event for Gucci Fifth Avenue, Gucci's largest flagship store in the world.
After the press preview of the new store, Gucci Fifth Avenue, on the 5th, "A Night to Benefit Raising Malawi and UNICEF" was held in the United Nations on the following night, the 6th.
Getting dressed in a limo and heading to the party
In the evening of February 6, Gucci's charity party, "A Night to Benefit Raising Malawi and UNICEF", was held. Amazingly enough, the venue was the United Nations. The place can tell how huge this BIG PARTY was and also it had an stunning guest list. The party was as if wondering around a backstage of the Academy Award or the Grammy. Passing by before my eyes were Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez, Alicia Keys, Tom Cruise, Pharrell Williams, Hidetoshi Nakata, Nigo, and Kyoko Hasegawa, but the party was filled with more and more of celebrities.
All benefit caused by ticket sales and a live auction would be donated to support orphans in Malawi. From what I heard, more than 5 million dollars were raised that night. This event turned out to be a dream night.
As I didn't have enough time to go back to the hotel to change after attending Phillip Lim show, I transformed myself into a Gucci boy in the limo on my way to the event. While I was in a gingham-checked suit from the latest Spring and Summer collection, most of male guests around me were in dark suit. Unlike me, they were of course in winter style. It was a kind of awkward. Anyway, it was some night.
Red carped report with full of celebrity will be featured in a photo gallery soon. Don't miss it!