Munemi|メイクアップアーティスト マティンが語るキャリアと故郷(2)

Munemi|メイクアップアーティスト マティンが語るキャリアと故郷(2)

TOP Make up Artist Interview in NYC

Munemi meets Matin(2)



Interview&Text by Munemi


ムネミ セレブのメイクアップアーティストとして、はじめから順調だったということですね。
Munemi Your career is very successful as a celebrity makeup artist so it was from the start.

マティン でも本当は僕はずっとファッションをやりたかったんだ。カッコイイと思われるようになりたかった。それが“もっとファッションをやりたい!”と思えば思うほどセレブの仕事がもっと入って来て。
Matin But actually I always wanted to do fashion, I wanted to be a cool one. And more I wanted to do fashion then more celebrities I got. It was kind of frustrating in the beginning but eventually I appreciated what I have, and when my project, Afghan Hands popped up, I realized “ Ah, it was all for this, it was the big plan of the universe to be.” Without celebrity clients I have worked with, Afghan Hands could have not been the way it is.

ムネミ なにが「アフガンハンズ」をはじめるきっかけに?
Munemi  What inspired you to start Afghan Hands?

マティン アフガニスタンに帰りたかった。でも20年以上も経って帰るのはそんなに簡単じゃない。ただ帰って、どんなに人びとが苦しんできたかを見ることは正しい気がしなかった。ただ帰って自分が快適なアメリカ暮らしをしてきたことを見せることもなにもできずにただ彼らの苦しみを見ることは思いやりがないって……。
自分だって反対の立場だったら侮辱された気になると思う。アメリカに長いこと行っていた誰かが帰って来て、「帰ってきたよー」「一体全体、この30年間なにがあったの? レイプされて、殺されて、飢えて……」。ただ見るというだけでも、正当な意味をみつけて行くことはできなかった。
Matin  I wanted to go back to Afghanistan. But going back there after more than 20 years was not easy, to just go back and see how people have suffered just did not feel right. I thought it would be disrespectful to just go and show off how I had a relatively comfortable life in the west and here I was once more, all intact just watching how they have suffered ... I would be offended too if someone comes back from America after so many years and “Hey, I am back.” “ What happened to you guys the last 30 years being raped, being killed, starved…” I just couldn’t go with a right conscious to just even to look.



ムネミ 家族と一緒に国を離れたんですか?
Munemi  Did you leave a country with your family?

マティン 父は6年間、取り残されることになった。僕とふたりの姉妹と母で一緒に国を離れた。僕たちにはすでにカリフォルニアに住んでいる姉がいた。
Matin  My father was left behind for 6 years. So I and my two younger sisters and mother left our country together. I had an older sister who had been in California.

ムネミ 逃げるようなかたちで?
Munemi  Was it like escaping the country?

マティン もちろん。高校の卒業証書をもらったら政府軍か反政府組織に入らなければいけなかった。どちらにしても自分の国のひとたちに向かって銃を向けることはできなかった。どういうことかというと、ソ連軍が反政府組織の義勇軍をアフガン軍に対して送り込んでいて、もし自分が自国の人たちに向かって発砲できないときはソ連軍に撃たれることになる、もし自国民に向かって撃っても撃ち返される。
Matin  Absolutory. Once I got a diploma from high school I had to either join the military or resistance. Either way, I couldn’t, I couldn’t shoot my own people. What happened was Russians were sending Afghan troops to fight with freedom fighters. If you didn’t shoot your own people they will shoot you. If you shoot your own people they will shoot you back. The only choice for me to leave, but it wasn’t easy because I had to lie to everyone I knew to get me out of the country. So I came back with a fake passport and fake name. My name wasn’t fixed until I became a citizen here in The States. My father helped me to get out of there as soon as he could, and he couldn’t leave, he was left behind. He was basically like a prisoner and later was smuggled out with a food truck through Pakistan border.

ムネミ それでいつアフガニスタンに帰ったんですか?
Munemi  So when did you go back?

マティン 23年後の2004年。景色がまったく変わってしまっていてすごくショックだった。すべての電柱や壁が銃穴だらけだった。カブールは破壊されていた。まるで毎日、銃撃戦があったかのようだった。僕は打ちのめされて毎日のように泣いた。
Matin So I went back there after 23 years in 2004. It was shocking because the city didn’t looks like when I left it. You could not find any light polls or walls without bullet holes. Kabul was destroyed. It looked like they had been shooting every single day. I was devastated and cried everyday.

人気のメイクアップアーティストでありながら、アフガンハンド(アフガニスタンの未亡人たちのための非営利教育団体)の設立者であり、CNNの『Anderson Cooper 360』をはじめ、 雑誌Elle, Life and Style, Vogue Nippon, Lucky and Peopleなどで幅広くその活動が紹介されている。

Afghan Hands / アフガンハンズ

Matin is originally from Afghanistan. He is one of the most sought after fashion and celebrity make-up artists working today. His work has been published on the international and domestic covers and pages of Vogue, Elle, InStyle, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, and Vanity Fair.
Meryl Streep, Angelina Jolie, Julianne Moore, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Claire Danes, pop stars Dido, Mandy Moore, and Jessica Simpson -- all are among his clients. He is also the chief cosmetics science expert for Neutrogena.
Matin is the founder of Afghan Hands Inc., a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to helping Afghan widows.
CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 profiled the Afghan Hands project, and press coverage includes Elle, Life and Style, Vogue Nippon, Lucky and People.

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