Munemi|メイクアップアーティスト マティンが語るキャリアと故郷(3)

Munemi|メイクアップアーティスト マティンが語るキャリアと故郷(3)

TOP Make up Artist Interview in NYC

Munemi meets Matin(3)



Interview&Text by Munemi


ムネミ どのようにしてアフガンハンズで活動する女性たちに会ったのですか?
Munemi How did you meet those women you have been working with?

マティン 未亡人たちとなにかしたいというプランだけあって行った。でもそれがなにかはわかってなかった。
友達のすばらしいアーティストのShahzia Sikanderと彼女のお母さんがパキスタンで買い物を手伝ってくれて、僕はショールや裁縫道具をふたつの大きなスーツケースに入れてそれを持ってカブールに行ったんだ。
Matin  I went with a plan to do something with widows. I didn’t know what. I brought shawls and sawing materials in suitcases, my friend, Shahzia Sikander who is an amazing artist and her mother helped me shop in Pakistan and we packed two huge suitcases and went to Kabul with it. And I ended up meeting with all the right people. I trusted that something is going to happen and it's going to be fine.

誰かがこの素敵な女性を知っていて、じつは彼女がいまアフガンハンズを切り盛りしているんだけど、彼女の名前はNoor Jaan Hashimi。彼女に会って30分もしないうちに彼女が、「未亡人に会いたいの? じゃ、探しに行こうか」って。
Someone knew this incredible woman who now runs Afghan Hands, her name is Noor Jaan Hashimi. Less than an hour after I met her she told me “ So you want to meet widows? Let’s go find widows.” She just went to houses in near by village and ask which houses have widows. We found widows, 5 women and we started with them and when I left the country we had 35 women. And it soon grew to 50 then we worked with them for a long time and eventually it kept growing and now we have 200 participants in out project.

ムネミ このプロジェクトは実際にどういう仕組みで彼女たちをサポートするんですか?
Munemi  How does it actually work to help these women?

マティン 基本的に僕がアフガニスタンに行ったのはチャリティをはじめるためじゃなかった。僕はただでお金をひとにあげるという行為が人びとになにをもたらすかを見てきたから……。
Matin  The whole process of me going to Afghanistan was not to bring a charity of some sort. Because I have seen what that when you hand money to someone for free, I see what it has done, it destroyed people’s self-esteem, kind of breaks their heart and breaks their pride. I wanted to bring a project that was not profiting me, but it would help the widows regain their self-respect and self-esteem.



So what I did was I gave stipend for their school under the condition that they have to pass their monthly tests. Otherwise, they would just go to school and sleep and get the money. Second thing was that they have to work. So I put them into embroidery. And I didn’t really care that if these beautiful and gorgeous products sold or not. So me, I wanted them to work. I wanted them feel like they are earning their money. And Embroidery is a very hard work, very intense. I told them I will pay you as much as a man with a high school degree would make in a month, but you have to start sawing. And they started doing embroidery and they would make as much money as a man make. And slowly their families started respect them. What happens to widows in Afghanistan is when husband dies they became liability, the family have to feed themselves and the widow and her children. In order to justify their existence, these women become servants to their in law families.

So now, instead of being liability, they bring as much money or more to the family so the father in law see them an asset so the family respect them more and the family treat them better. And these women their posture, their language, the way they look, it completely changed. They look like different people. Because they are not so broken anymore. So that was the thing, I didn’t want to make a charity that go in and help the poor people and make myself feel better. I wanted to teach them a way to earn money, a way to get honor at home.

Another thing that it was very important to me is they go to work outside, I don’t care if they go only two steps away. I rented a room in different neighborhoods, poor neighborhood, because transportation is impossible in Afghanistan. I didn’t have money to make a big center. So instead of making the center, I made small centers. I paid $50 for a room in different neighborhoods and 10 women come in and stay there and I hire a teacher from a local school to teach them, so they learn there and work there. I wanted them get out of home.

多くのチャリティは、 材料を彼らの家に送って次の週に回収に来てわずかなお金を払う。
A lot of charities send materials to their homes and come back next week to pick it up and pay them pennies. With that way, they never learn how to go out to a job. But for me, no, you want to get out and in the morning at least see a mirror and put clean scarf on your head, let them get ready themselves to go to work like women or men in other countries do. So it was very important psychological aspect of it. And I knew that it would change their psychology a little bit but I didn’t know what kind of affect would happen. It was huge, amazing. When you see a woman from day one, and two, three years into the project, seriously, you won’t recognize them. Their posture and look has changed, their chests are puffed up and they are laughing. It’s just amazing to see as the project go and to learn what earning money could do to people.


ムネミ アフガンハンズの次のプランは?
Munemi  What’s your next plan with Afghan Hands?

マティン 大きな目標のひとつとして考えているのは、たとえばアフガニスタンの治安がどんどんよくなったとして、僕の夢は10人毎のグループの女性たちがちがうプロジェクトに参加してそのなかから自分たちのキャリアを選ぶこと。
Matin  One of the main objectives what I have and hoping is that security in Afghanistan gets better and better and, my dream is each group of ten women have different projects to choose a career to do between them.

They could have a tailor shop, we could set up a store for them and teach them property how to make beautiful clothes, and whatever earning they could make they keep. If they are not good, they don’t earn so they have to perform. And I would do a manicure, pedicure shop. Another group, another group of beauty salon. It would be makeup and hair for weddings too. And another group for waxing, probably, eyebrows and body. Photography and video for weddings is something that does not exists, all the professionals are men but the men and women are separated and only men get their photos taken. So theses are very productive way them to make money. Bakery is another thing too. These all projects I want to do is small businesses that Afghan Hands involved in running by these group of 10 women make money for themselves. These are very doable projects.

ムネミ もしあなたに権力があるとしたらなにをやりますか?
Munemi  What would you do if you could change something in Afghanistan, if you had a power?

マティン もし僕に権力があったら、学校をたくさんいたるところに建てる。それから近代的な構造、建築物をいろんな場所に建てる。真剣にそれが自分だったらなにをやるかってこと。
Matin  If I had a power, I would build a lot of schools everywhere. And modern structures everywhere. Seriously, that’s what I would do, get people educated, and I would show movies on big screens about the rest of the world. Teach them what possibilities could be. That’s what would do.

人気のメイクアップアーティストでありながら、アフガンハンド(アフガニスタンの未亡人たちのための非営利教育団体)の設立者であり、CNNの『Anderson Cooper 360』をはじめ、 雑誌Elle, Life and Style, Vogue Nippon, Lucky and Peopleなどで幅広くその活動が紹介されている。

Afghan Hands / アフガンハンズ

Matin is originally from Afghanistan. He is one of the most sought after fashion and celebrity make-up artists working today. His work has been published on the international and domestic covers and pages of Vogue, Elle, InStyle, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, and Vanity Fair.
Meryl Streep, Angelina Jolie, Julianne Moore, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Claire Danes, pop stars Dido, Mandy Moore, and Jessica Simpson -- all are among his clients. He is also the chief cosmetics science expert for Neutrogena.
Matin is the founder of Afghan Hands Inc., a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to helping Afghan widows.
CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 profiled the Afghan Hands project, and press coverage includes Elle, Life and Style, Vogue Nippon, Lucky and People.

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