Munemi|Munemi meet Kate Dillon - Part 2 プラスサイズモデル ケイト・ディロンの生き方(後編)
Be comfortable with your own skin
Munemi meets Kate Dillon - Part 2(後編)
Interview&Text by Munemi
ムネミ いまの体型があなたにとって一番自然体?
Munemi Would you say that the figure you have now is the most natural for you?
ケイト うーん、そうね……。なぜ間を置いたかというと、ここ6、7ヵ月たくさんエクササイズしているからその前の2年間と較べるとそれより少し大きめかな。でもそうね、このあたりが自分にとって普通。たくさんエクササイズするとすごくお腹がすくから結局もっと食べることになるのよね。だいたい2キロくらい増えたり減ったりするけど、それが自分にとっては普通。
Kate I would say… yes. (pause) The reason I hesitate is because I’ve been excising a lot more the past 6,7 months. So I’m a little bigger than I had been the previous couple years. But about this range is what I feel normal for me.
When I do quite a lot of exercise I get so hungry that ended up eating more and get bigger. I go up down about plus minus 5 pounds and that’s about natural for me.
Ideally, my diet would include basically very healthy food, I’m really into natural whole food and I don’t like to eat processed food, really basic simple stuff. I also love my cookies and ice creams, you know, a little bit of dessert here and now is fine. I’m a very balanced eater. Also when I get older, I’m so aware being healthy and wanting to continue to be healthy in my 40s and in my 50s.
ムネミ 最後に、日本にはプラスサイズモデルは存在しないのだけど、やっぱりたくさんの女性が自分に自信をもてなかったり体重を気にして無理なダイエットに励んだりしている。悩んだ時期を乗り越えて自分自身との平和を見つけたあなたからはなにを彼女たちに伝えたいですか?
Munemi Well, finally. There is no plus size modeling in Japan, but there are a lot of girls being insecure and struggling with their weight and be on a strict diet. What would you like to tell them as someone who’s gone through it then found a peace in yourself.
ケイト 世界中の女性たちにとって難しい問題だと思います。メディアから流れてくるメッセージは圧倒的で、もし魅力的になりたかったら、成功したかったら、幸せになりたかったら、痩せていなければいけない、と。もともと小柄のひとが多いことをかんがえるとアジアではさらにたいへんだと想像します。日本の女性に対するプレッシャーは痩せているべき、理想的なルックスになりたいという世界中の女性が感じているものだけではなく、女性は小柄で、ひかえめで、静かで、あまり意見をもたない、女性は従属的な存在といったような、残念なことにこういった傾向は世界中あちこちで見られますが、こういった環境のなかであなたがもし大柄だったとしたら、それによって感じる精神的な悩みはより深いことでしょう。
Kate So I imagine it’s really hard for women all over the world. The message in the media is overwhelming if you want to be attractive and want to be successful, if you want to be happy, you have to be thin. And in Asia, I imagine it’s even worse, because most of women are sort of naturally smaller than they are in Northern and Western countries. So the pressure for the Japanese women to be very slim, not just as women from all over the world too, not just to fulfill that the this ideal of beauty, you know, women are supposed to be small and not supposed to get in a way and not supposed to be too loud, and they are not supposed to have too much opinions, women are supposed to be subordinate, all over the world, unfortunately.
So when you are bigger and it’s such a deep psychological problems with that, just in society, because you are not supposed to look bigger, you are just not supposed to be in a way.
My first message is, for any women, I understand the desire, and I understand the problems and struggle of wanting to fit in, and wanting to be a cultural like ideal. That being said, I can say that I have found greater happiness in my life in being healthy, and treating my body with a respect and treating myself with a respect. I treat my body the way the kind of my best friend, so I would never say to my best friend “ You are too fat.” I would look at my best friend and I would see her how beautiful she is and all the positive things in her, well as when we look at ourselves, we tend to just see the negative things. So I would say, first, treat yourself with a respect in the way you treat your very best friend, and look at yourself with the eyes you look at your very best friend. And my advice is that when I done that to myself, I found much greater happiness and much greater success, and much greater beauty than when I was fighting with myself; I was someone who has been that ideal, I was a very successful skinny model, I had everything exactly the way supposed to be. And when I let myself being myself, the success was I mean, amazing! And so there is nothing quite like the feeling of being liberated from that needs to fill the ideal, and I would encourage all women to give back a gift to themselves.
ムネミ 男性に好かれようと容姿を変えようと努力する女性が多いように思うのだけど、もし自分を受け入れて自然体でいられれば、そのほうが男のひとを惹きつけると思う?
Munemi I think there are many women in Japan who would try to look like something that men would like. Would you say if you are comfortable with yourself and be yourself, and that would attract guys more than trying to be what they might like?

ケイト そう思います。私がすごく痩せていたときはたまに誘われることもあったし、ふたりほど彼氏もいた。でも自分の身体のことばかりが気になって完全に恋に落ちることができなかったし、彼らからも完全に愛してもらえなかった。
Kate I would say so. When I was so so skinny, I occasionally got asked out, and I had a couple of boyfriends. But I was so sort of obsessed with my body, and I couldn’t fully fall in love. And I could never really be loved by them. When I started getting healthy, I noticed that I got asked out a lot more. I actually felt more sexy because I just really felt comfortable with my body and you know, again it’s all so physiological, because you may not look the way you may want to look, but if you can free yourself from the need to look the way you think supposed to, it’s incredible sexy thing. And the liberation, really attracts people. So purely being motivated by desire to attract people, men, it’s about sex appeal, and being confidence.
Men find very wide verity of things sexy. Men like skinny women, men like full figure women, men like women, as long as she make him feel good and as long as she feels good about herself. He’s going to be turned on. You don’t have to have huge boobs, you don’t have to have flat stomach, you don’t have to be perfect, you could have cellulite, whatever it is you think your problem is you could have it, as long as you are like “ You know what? It’s just me, and this is who I am. I have so many amazing other things to give.”
ムネミ いいですね、ケイト。応援します!
Munemi Right on, Kate! Cheers!

Kate Dillon|ケイト・ディロン
彼女の活動はテレビのCNN, Anderson Cooper 360, Good Morning America, PBS NOVA series, 雑誌のVogue, Glamour, Peopleなど、幅広く取り上げられている。ボランティア活動に役立てるため、ハーバードケネディースクールにて行政学/発展途上国援助の修士号を得る。
最近はモデル業にフルタイムで復帰し活動するかたわら、自らが共同設立者としてはじめたルワンダの女の子たちが高校以上の教育を受けられるよう奨学金を提供するKomera Project、また環境やフェアトレードなどを思慮したスタイルを発信する www.stylecommune.com/ をパートナーとおこなっている。
Kate Dillon is known in the fashion industry as a groundbreaker and a passionate advocate for environmental and humanitarian causes. Her work has been widely featured in the media, including on Anderson Cooper 360, Good Morning America, and the PBS NOVA series as well as in Vogue, Glamour, and People. In order to be a more effective advocate, Kate completed a Master’s in Public Administration in International Development at the Harvard Kennedy School in 2009 where she won an award for her thesis on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Bolivia. Now back in the fashion industry full time, Kate continues to model while serving as vice-president of the Komera Project, a fund that provides scholarships for secondary education to girls in Rwanda, and is co-founder of stylecommune.com, a website for socially conscious style currently in development.

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