Munemi|Munemi meet Kate Dillon - Part 1 プラスサイズモデル ケイト・ディロンの生き方(前編)
Be comfortable with your own skin
Munemi meets Kate Dillon - Part 1(前編)
今回登場するのは、Plus size modelに所属するアメリカ人モデル ケイト・ディロン(Kate Dillon)です。
Interview&Text by Munemi
ムネミ モデルの仕事はいつはじめたの?
Munemi When did you first start modeling as a model?
ケイト もうすぐ17歳になるかならないかのころ、痩せているモデルとして。当時は生まれ育ったカリフォルニアのサンディエゴで高校に行っていたの。それでモデル業はロスではじめました。
Kate I was almost 17 years old, as a skinny model, I was a high school student in San Diego, California where I grow up. I started modeling out in LA.
ムネミ 何年間、痩せているほうのモデルとして働いたの?
Munemi So how many years did you work as a skinny model?
ケイト 痩せているモデルとしては3年間。高校を卒業するまで1年半ほど、それからニューヨークに引っ越したの。そしてその数ヵ月後にはパリに。2シーズン、パリ、ミラノコレクションに出たの。でも、ショウモデルとしてはもっと痩せているべきというのがいつもあった。自分が一番痩せているときでもいつも体重を気にして無理なダイエットを繰り返していた。それでも自分はどうしてもモデルとしての理想の細さになれなかった。
Kate I was a skinny model for 3 years. I modeled for about a year and half until I finished high school, then I moved to NY when I was 18.
A few months later I moved to Paris, and did a whole Paris, Milan thing, did 2 seasons shows. But I was never skinny enough.
You know, I was always struggling with my weight even when I was at my skinniest, I was never really skinny enough.

And after a year and half of modeling full time in NY and Europe, I just said I can’t keep this up anymore, it’s killing me. And I really didn’t want to be a part of an industry that making women feel bad about themselves. Here I was, starving myself just to be a model, and as a model, I was basically telling other women to how they needed to look. And I had this idea that to be a part of making a better message for women in the world.
So I quit and moved back to home and quit modeling all together for 2 years and just settled with my weight and I gained a lot of weight, like 40 pounds or so. And I really found a way to be comfortable in my own skin, I realized that even I was so much heavier than I had been as a model that I was still thin, normal - even if I am considered extremely over weight by the fashion industry’s standard.
I realized that I have a lot to give and be attractive and successful and healthy, have more to do with what you have to give from inside and what your heart is like and how funny you are and how smart you are, that was more important than what you look like.
Because there is always going to be somebody more beautiful, or better looking.
ムネミ それは90年代の話?
Munemi So that was in 90’s?
ケイト そう、1992年と93年。私、痩せているモデルとしてもすごくうまくいっていたの。本当にラッキーだった。すべての有名雑誌や、世界のトップのフォトグラファーや当時は駆け出しだったけどいまはすごく有名になったフォトグラファーなどみんなと仕事した。でも、自分のキャリアが本当の意味で開花したのはプラスサイズモデルになってから。私が『ヴォーグ』に載るはじめてのプラスサイズモデルとなったし、ほかにも『エル』や『グラマー』にも。自分でいるということが本当に心地良くなってからみんなが私のことを本当にいいモデルだって思ってくれるようになった。
Kate Yes, It was 1992, 1993. And I did really well as a skinny model, really lucky, worked with all the big fashion magazines, I worked with really top photographers also who were starting out then and now really a big photographers. But I would say as a plus size model my career really blossomed. I was the first plus size model to be featured in Vogue, I was featured in Elle, Glamour... It wasn’t until I really got comfortable in my own skin that people started to really think of me as a really good model.
ムネミ プラスサイズモデルとしてはどのようにはじめていったの?
Munemi How did it all start as a plus size model?
ケイト 22歳のときだった、たしか1996年あたり。ニューヨークを離れたもののやっぱりニューヨークが大好きでもどってきたの。なにをするかはまだわからなかったけどとにかくニューヨークにもどってきた。そうしたらある日友だちが、「あのね、プラスサイズモデルたちを見たことがあるんだけど、彼女たち、きっと君が思っているようなものじゃないと思うよ。彼女たちは君みたいなごく普通のきれいな子たちだよ。君もやってみたら?」って。
Kate I was 22 years old, and this was like 1996. And I had left NY but I loved NY and wanted to move back there. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I moved back. And a friend of mine said, “ You know, I’ve seen plus size models, and they are not what you think they are. They are beautiful girls like you are. They are normal girls. Maybe you should do it.”
And I was thinking “ Oh, my gosh. Isn’t this so amazing to go up there and be a plus size model because I knew that I had had been quite successful in the industry before and it would be so fun to come back.” I mean when I think about fashion, it always pushes me envelop, it’s always changing and challenging ideal images of beauty, you have women have gaps in their teeth, you have women crooked noses and big noses and eyes are way too far apart and lips are way too big, and I was thinking that I’m just bigger than the other girls that’s my weird quirky thing, and I felt that’s something fashion was ready to take on.
And I figured if it had and did, the impact that I would have to women in all over the world would be so huge because women are consistently battling with their weight, battling with their self esteem to result of they think they are not perfect.
But you know, I know I’m not perfect, and never going to be perfect, and I don’t care, because it doesn’t really make me that interesting to be perfect. What interesting is what I have in inside. And, actually the less I thought about my external appearance I felt more attractive.
Certainly, that was the impression I had because soon as I kind of let go of all of these ideas about where my body needed to be, my career really took off. And I had an amazing success as a plus size. So this is like the result of what you get when you really find a peace in within yourself and find the ability to be comfortable with your body. And now, it’s 14 years ago that I started plus size modeling.
ムネミ はじめてあなたと仕事したときに、なんて自然体なひとなんだろうって感心したのを覚えてる、すごく輝いて見えた。そういうのって結構稀というか、たとえばよくきれいで背が高くて痩せているモデルたちと仕事をしていてもそんなにしょっちゅう出合わない。
Munemi When first time I worked with you, I was amazed how comfortable you are with yourself, and it shines you. I mean I don’t see that often with regular models even they are so beautiful and tall and skinny.
ケイト すべての女性がどんな体型であっても、自分自身であるということよりもこうであるべきみたいな観念に縛られてそこから解放されずにいる気分というのはわかると思うのね。私はすごく若いときからそういうことに取り組んでいてすごく努力もしたの。それで自分には自分を受け入れて解放することができる特別なギフトがあるってわかっていた。
Kate Every woman, whether you are bigger or smaller whatever you are, can relate to not having the freedom within yourself, not having the sense of being sort of liberated from this constant need to be something other than who you are. And that was something I put a lot of energy into overcoming when I was quite young.
And I knew that it’s kind of special thing I had and not a lot of women have that I am over it and I am comfortable in my own body.
And you know, I’m like any other woman, I struggle at times, and I don't wake up every morning and say, “I’m beautiful!” There are some days I don’t feel that way, but you know the truth the matter is I wear a string biniki on the beach and I walk around even I know I have cellulite and I know that the reality is that more women are concerned about the way they look. I also believe that most men are just totally oblivious. My husband is clueless, when I look at him I show him “ Look at my cellulite.” And he’s like “ I don’t even know what you are talking about.”
I know that people are so much harder on themselves than they need to be and I believed this 15 years ago and I believe this now that if we spend a lot more of our energy sort of working on developing our creativity, developing out intelligence, developing our sense of humor that we probably would be a lot better off as a world rather than spending so much time to fix how we look and trying to attain some sort of official idea of perfection.
To be continued to Part 2

Kate Dillon|ケイト・ディロン
彼女の活動はテレビのCNN, Anderson Cooper 360, Good Morning America, PBS NOVA series, 雑誌のVogue, Glamour, Peopleなど、幅広く取り上げられている。ボランティア活動に役立てるため、ハーバードケネディースクールにて行政学/発展途上国援助の修士号を得る。
最近はモデル業にフルタイムで復帰し活動するかたわら、自らが共同設立者としてはじめたルワンダの女の子たちが高校以上の教育を受けられるよう奨学金を提供するKomera Project, また環境やフェアトレードなどを思慮したスタイルを発信する www.stylecommune.com/ をパートナーとおこなっている。
Kate Dillon is known in the fashion industry as a groundbreaker and a passionate advocate for environmental and humanitarian causes. Her work has been widely featured in the media, including on Anderson Cooper 360, Good Morning America, and the PBS NOVA series as well as in Vogue, Glamour, and People. In order to be a more effective advocate, Kate completed a Master’s in Public Administration in International Development at the Harvard Kennedy School in 2009 where she won an award for her thesis on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Bolivia. Now back in the fashion industry full time, Kate continues to model while serving as vice-president of the Komera Project, a fund that provides scholarships for secondary education to girls in Rwanda, and is co-founder of stylecommune.com, a website for socially conscious style currently in development.