Munemi meets Linda Rodin(2)「ベテランスタイリストがつくった万能オイル」

Munemi meets Linda Rodin(2)「ベテランスタイリストがつくった万能オイル」

Munemi meets Linda Rodin

City Slicker – Linda Rodin and her hot luxury oil from New York.


原材料はすべてエッセンシャルオイルのみ。化学物質は一切入ってない「RODIN olio lusso」は、香りもうっとりするほどの仕上がり。

Interview&Text by Munemi


M:So now, the facial and body oils are available. What are the prices for them? Also what’s on the work for the line up in the future?
ム:現在はフェイスとボディーオイルが発売中ですね。値段はそれぞれいくらですか? あと、将来のラインアップは?

L:The face oil is $135, and body oil is $80. The face oil is a one oz. bottle, and lasts a very long time, because only a few drops twice a day would suffice. The body oil is a 4 oz. bottle, and it goes a long way too.
We are also working on a perfume, which will come in a tiny, beautiful bottle. Because the oil smells so wonderful, I decided to make a perfume. It’s going to smell like the oil, but more intense, and only a drop will be necessary. Also I am going to do a soy candle with the same fragrance. And I think I am going to do a lip balm eventually, with a little red tint in it--also natural.


M:How do you use the face oil?

L:You can use it after you splash water on your face and leave the skin a little damp. Then you put a few drops in your palms and rub it over your face. You can use it on lips and I also use it on my hair. You only need a very small amount for hair. And the most wonderful hair stylist, Bob Recine, uses a tiny bit of the face oil in the hair and it works really well on his celebrity clientele. I used to travel with a lot of products but now I only need my face and body oils when traveling. I also put it on my face during a flight. In the summer, I put this in a fridge and when I go to a beach, I take it with me. The oil soothes your hot and red face, because of the Arnica oil in it, which is really good for soothe the redness of the sun. And when the oil is cold, it's wonderful for sunburn, too.
Bob Recineというとっても素敵なヘアースタイリストが、少量のこのオイルをすべてのセレブリティの顧客たちのヘアに使っていて、とてもいい感じなの。私は以前、プロダクトをいろいろ持って旅行に行っていたけど、今はこのフェイスオイルとボティーオイルだけ。あと、飛行機のなかでもこれを使うわ。
夏場はこれを冷蔵庫に入れておいて、ビーチに行くときに冷えたままの状態で持って行くのね。日に当たったあとのほてった顔につけるとすごく気持ちいい。成分に入っているArnica Oilにほてりを和らげる効果があるから。それに、オイルが冷たい状態だと日焼けあとにもすごくいいし。


M:Do you use anything else for a skincare?

L:I use my oil only, after I have cleansed my face with a wonderful cleanser from Komenuka Bijin. It's the best cleanser I have ever used.

M:Literally, to me your skin looks a lot better than let’s say 5 years ago. It’s smoother and brighter. And I have known you for at least 6 or 7 years now?

L:I think it’s the oil. I have been using this for the past 3 years. Also I have a friend who is 70 years old and she’s been using it since the beginning and when you see her skin you cannot believe she is 70. Of course, she has some wrinkles and age spots, but who wouldn’t at her age, right? Unless, of course, one has plastic surgery. But her skin glows. And my 20 years old niece uses it and another friend of mine who is 95 years old uses it too. You could put it on a baby skin because there is nothing artificial in the oil. It doesn’t harm anybody.

M:It’s a kind of all-purpose beauty product. When I use it, I just use a few drops on my face and lips then what's left over I use on my hands. When my lips were really dry, you know how NY winters can get so dry. Well, I put the oil on my lips and gently massaged them and all the dry skin flakiness disappeared so easily. It’s very multiple.

L:Yes, and it’s also great as an after shaving for men.


M:Who has used your oil so far?

L:It has been used on many celebrities and top models by top makeup artists around the world: Liv Tyler, Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Watts, Cindy Crawford, Blake Lively, Molly Sims, Kate Moss, Sarah Jessica Parker, Adriana Lima, Doutzen Kroes, and we hear they all loved it. Also it’s been a lot of word of mouth. I used to just give away to my friends and makeup artists I know and they would use it on models and celebrities and it’s been a great success.

:今までに世界中のトップメイクアップアーティストによってセレブリティやトップモデルたちに使われてきました。Liv Tyler, Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Watts, Cindy Crawford, Blake Lively, Molly Sims, Kate Moss, Sarah Jessica Parker, Adriana Lima, Doutzen Kroesなど名前を挙げたらきりがないのだけど、みんなすごく喜んでくれたって聞いてます。これまで口コミだけでずいぶん広がってきた。以前は友達や知り合いのメイクアップアーティストにあげることからはじめて、彼らがモデルやセレブたちに使い出して、それが今につながってるの。

M:Right now, they're available in the US and England?

L:Yes, and in the future it will be in Italy, France and hopefully, in Japan by September.

M:I am trilled to hear that your oil is landing to Japan. It’s very exciting!


M:By the way, I love your apartment. You decorate it very well. Are they antiques?

L:I go to the flea markets wherever I travel. When I travel, the first thing I do is Google the flea market in the city.

M:Where do you suggest for an antique shopping and a flea market in NY?

L:It’s on 25th Street, between Broadway and Sixth Avenue. The Antiques Garage is a famous one.
:トゥエンティーフィフスストリートのブロードウェイとシックスアベニューのあいだの通り。なかでもThe Antiques Garageは有名ね。

Munemi meets Linda Rodin<br><br>City Slicker – Linda Rodin and her hot luxury oil from New York.<br><br>「ベテランスタイリストがつくった万能オイル」(2)

M:You are quite the shell collector. You have so many beautiful shells here.

L:I have always loved anything related to the sea. When I was little, I thought I was a mermaid. I am a Pisces! So I love everything aquatic. I began collecting shells many years ago, I could spend all day doing that. Shell collecting is a passion of mine.
:海に関するものはなんでも好きなの。幼いころ、自分は人魚姫だと思ってた。私、魚座だもの! だから私、なんでも海を思わせるものは大好き。貝殻集めはすごく昔からやっていて、1日中飽きずにできちゃう。貝殻集めは私のパッション。

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