Munemi meets Linda Rodin(1)「ベテランスタイリストがつくった万能オイル」

Munemi meets Linda Rodin(1)「ベテランスタイリストがつくった万能オイル」

Munemi meets Linda Rodin

City Slicker – Linda Rodin and her hot luxury oil from New York.


Linda Rodinはニューヨーク出身の25年の経験をもつベテランスタイリスト。今までに手がけたセレブリティはMadonnaをはじめHarry Berry、スーパーモデルのLaetitia Casta, Adriana Lima, Cindy Crawford, Gisele Bundchenと豪華な顔ぶれ。
メイクアップアーティストやモデルなどの友人たちとの2年間の試用期間を経て高級オイル、「RODIN olio lusso」をリリース。瞬く間にメイクアップアーティストやモデル、セレブリティのあいだでカルトアイテムに成長した。(

Linda Rodin is a native New Yorker and a fashion stylist for 25 years. She has styled many celebrities, such as Madonna and Hally Berry to super models like Laetitia Casta, Adriana Lima, Cindy Crawford and Gisele Bundchen. After 2 years of experimenting on her circle of friends, makeup artists and models, she launched her oil, RODIN olio lusso. It quickly became a cult favorite among makeup artists, models and celebrities. (

Interview&Text by Munemi


Munemi:You are a native New Yorker. How it was like in The City back in a days when you were younger, fashion wise, town wise? Also how did you get into a fashion industry?
ムネミ:あなたはマンハッタン出身ですが、若かったころのニューヨークはどうでした? ファションや、街の感じ。それから、ファション業界に入ったきっかけは?

Linda:When I was a teenager, it was the late 60’s. So it was a very fashionable moment, with mini-skirts, high-platform shoes, tube tops-- we were all kind of hippy and dressed in a very original way. It was very different than it is now. We weren’t so much into the clothes, as we were really into our own being creative-- there were no designer clothes and so we didn't have to spend much money, which of course we didn't have-- on great stuff. Everything was cheap but everything was original, and we just made up our own styles. And those became the fashion trends, and we didn’t even know it. Everything was affordable and it was very different.
I opened a clothing shop called Linda Hopp when I was 30 years old. It was 1980. That was the first time I really got into fashion. And I started designing my own clothes, and I had this very charming boutique in Soho and it was actually the first ever boutique in Soho. Before the shop, in my 20’s, I wanted to be a fashion photographer and it didn’t work out. So I got into a boutique business and then I started styling right after that. Someone told me “ Oh, you should work for a magazine, you have a good taste. You could put things together. “ And I didn’t even know that such a career as a "stylist" even existed. So I worked at Harper’s Bazaar, as a fashion editor, and then at Henri Bendel. And after that I went freelance.

30歳のときにSohoで『Linda Hopp』という名前で洋服屋をオープンしたの。1980年のこと。それがはじめて本当の意味でファッションに入ったときかな。それで自分で自分の洋服のデザインをはじめて、自分はこのとってもチャーミングなブティックをもっていて、じつはこのお店がSohoに一番最初にできたブティックだったのよ。お店をする前の20代のころはファッションフォトグラファーになりたかったのだけど、うまくいかなかったのね。それで、ブティックの仕事をはじめてそのあとすぐにスタイリングの仕事もスタートしたの。まわりの誰かが、“あなた雑誌で働けばいいのに。いいセンスしてるからスタイリングできるわよ”って。そのときの自分は“スタイリスト”って仕事が存在する事自体も知らなかった。それで、『Harper’s Bazaar』でファッションエディターとして働いて、その後は、「Hendi Bendel」で。そしてその後、フリーランスになったの。

「Linda Hopp」という店名の理由

M:How did you get the name, Linda Hopp?
ム:「Linda Hopp」という名前はどこからとったんですか?

L:It was actually from a Swedish photographer I worked with, named Gosta Peterson, who loved dancing and jazz. There was this famous dance from the 1950's called the “Lindy Hop.” So he called me Linda Hopp after that “Lindy Hop.” And that became the name for my shop and everybody for years didn’t know my real last name, which is Rodin like the French sculptor. So I had that nickname for about for 20 years and I finally thought this is crazy: I need to have my own name back. So I went back to my real name and decided to name my oil RODIN olio lusso, because it's such a beautiful name, and it's my own. And the reason of using "olio lusso" is because I have lived in Italy for a long time and I am fluent in that language, and olio lusso sounded better to me than luxury oil, which olio lusso means in Italian.
:それってじつは一緒に仕事をしていたことのあるスウェーデン人のフォトグラファー、 Gosta Petersonにつけられたの。彼はダンスやジャズが大好きだったの。1950年代からあった有名なダンスでLindy Hopっていうのがあるのだけど、彼がそのLindy Hopにかけて私のことをLinda Hoppって呼ぶようになったの。それが私のお店の名前にもなって、私の本当の名字ってRodin、フランス人の彫刻家とおなじなのだけど、ずっと長いあいだみんな知らなかったの。そのニックネームで20年くらい過ごしてやっと「やっぱりこれってクレイジーだわ、自分の名前を取りもどさなきゃ」って。それで本名を自分のオイルの「RODIN olio lusso」に使うことにしたの。すごくいい名前だと思うし、私の本当の名前だし。“olio lusso”とつけた理由は、私、イタリアに長く住んでいたことがあってイタリア語にも堪能だから、イタリア語で高級オイルを意味するolio lussoにしたの。聞こえもそのほうが素敵だと思うし。

「RODIN olio lusso」はこうして生まれた

M:I would like to talk about your oil. How did it start?

L:Well, it was 3 years ago, when I was in Rome with a friend of mine who was pregnant. She was very into health foods and said “let’s go to a health food store and buy some oils and make it for our skin.” So we went to a health store in Rome and we came home, started making some mixtures of different oils, which turned out to be terrible and we were laughing so much saying “oh, god, we don’t know what we are doing.” Anyway, when I got to NY, I thought hmm, maybe I could make something on my own, having been in the fashion business for so long, and having tried all products, and having spent so much money on all of them. Why not try and make one on myself? I had traveled to a lot of places and found local oils there, like Argan Oil in Morocco and Calendula Oil in South Africa. Through those experience, I knew all other products and what oils I liked. So I went to a health food store myself and bought all the 11 oils I liked and I started with them. And today, it is still the same 11 oils and the same recipe. So, started mixing it at home, and I bought bottles and started giving it to all my friends, and they loved it. They were like “ How do you make this? This is so good!” And I was like “ I just make it.” And I never thought about making it to a business. But a funny thing happened. It was February, exactly 2 years ago. I had a hand surgery and my nephew came to visit me to take care of me. And he walked in the apartment and said, “What are these all bottles and oils doing here? What are you doing with them?” So I told him “ Oh, you know I make this really nice face oil for my friends and I. “ and he said, “ Well, how much do you sell it for?” So I told him “ I don’t sell it, I just give it away.” And he said, “ Why don’t you make a business of it? What’s the formula?” so I said, “ I don’t know the formula.” He said, “ So, how do you make it the same way every time?” then I said, “ I just know. I could do it with my eyes closed." After, he went online and bought me the proper equipment to mix and measure scientifically. And, I made it 5 times the way I normally do without measuring, and pouring it into a cup, and it was perfect. Then the 6th time, I poured each of the 11 oils into a measured cylinder and he wrote down how much of each oil were in each cylinder. And that was it: that was the formula and it has not changed since that day. After a while I started buying quality oils from 5 different manufacturers and decided to get nicer bottles. And this wonderful graphics designer who also designed the graphics for Linda Hopp, my boutique in Soho worked on the logo and packaging with me. The packaging is very beautiful, simple and chic.

The biggest sales for the oil come from the sales from this amazing dermatologist, Dr. David Colbert, MD. http://
He is one of the best dermatologists in the country. He is a certified dermatologist and also a beauty doctor. He has a very large celebrity following; he recommends my oil to all of his clients. He also did the clinical testing for me, using no animals, only humans so it’s 100% medically tested and approved. And all of the ingredients are essential oils. There are no chemicals in RODIN olio lusso, and it smells divine.

:3年前、ローマに友達といたときのこと。その友達はちょうど妊娠していて健康食にすごくはまっていたのね。彼女がヘルスストアに行っていくつかオイルを買って、自分たちの肌のために混ぜてつくろうよって言い出したの。それで、お店から帰ってきてちがう種類のオイルを混ぜはじめたのだけど、そのときは失敗つづきで大笑い。「もう、私たちなにやってるか全然わかってないんだから」って。でもそのあと、ニューヨークに帰ってきて思ったの、もしかして私にもできるんじゃないかって。この業界にずいぶん長くいて、ずいぶんお金もかけてありとあらゆる商品も試したし。自分で一度つくってみようって。今までいろんなところに旅行して、モロッコでは「Argan Oil」を見つけたし、南アフリカでは「Calendula Oil」を見つけたし、それまでの経験のなかで自分がどのオイルが好きかわかっていた。それで、ヘルスストアに行って自分の好きなオイルをみんな買って、それが最初にはじめた11種類。その11種類が今とまったくおなじオイルでおなじつくりかたなの。はじめは自宅で混ぜてそれをボトルに入れて友達みんなにあげてすごく喜ばれていたの。「どうやって作ったの? これすごくいいじゃない!」って。私のほうは、「ただつくっているだけよ」って。それにこれをビジネスにしようなんてまったく考えてなかったしね。それがちょうど2年前の2月にこんなことがあって。
手の手術を受けて甥が世話をしに訪ねてくれたの。彼、私のうちに入ってすぐに、「なに? このボトルとかオイルがいったいなんでここにあるの? これでいったいなにをしているの?」って。それで彼に「ほら、私、これですごくいいフェイスオイルを友達と自分用につくってるのよ」って。それで彼は「いくらで売ってるの?」って聞くから、「売ってないのよ、ただあげるだけ」って言ったの。そしたら彼が、「なんでこれをビジネスにしないの? 処方は?」って。だから私、「処方なんてわからない」って答えたら彼が、「じゃぁ、どうやって毎回おなじようにつくるの?」って。それで私言ったの「からだで覚えてるから、目を閉じていてもできるわ」と。そのあと、彼がオンラインで正確にはかったり混ぜたりできる容器を注文したの。それでまずは、自分がいつもやっているようにはからないで5回カップにつくったの。それでパーフェクトだった。6回目に11種類のオイルをひとつずつはかりに入れて、その容量を彼が記入していった。それが処方になって、それ以来、今まで変わらないまま。その後、もっと質のいいオイルを5つのちがう製造元から手に入れるようになって、ボトルももっといいものに変えたの。そして、Sohoでやっていたブティック「Linda Hopp」のグラフィックも手がけてくれた才能豊かなグラフィックデザイナーが今回のロゴとグラフィックも一緒にやってくれた。パッケージはすごく美しくてシンプルでシックなものに仕上がりました。

一番の売り上げはこの素晴らしい皮膚科の先生、Dr. David Colbert, MD.(http://から来るの。彼は国内でも指折りの皮膚科医。彼は同時に、ビューティドクターでもある。彼にはセレブの顧客がたくさんいて、私のオイルをすべての顧客に薦めてくれている。彼が私のオイルのクリニカルテストもしてくれたのね、一切、動物は使わないで人間のみで。100%、医療的なテストも受けて保証されている。それに、原材料はすべてエッセンシャルオイルのみ。「RODIN olio lusso」には化学物質は一切入ってないし、香りもうっとりするほどなの。

M:What are the 11 essential oils that are in your oil?

Jasmine Oil,
Sweet Almond Oil,
Apricot Seed Oil,
Jojoba Oil,
Evening of Primrose Oil,
Rose Hip,
Arnica Oil,
Calendula Oil,
Neroli Oil,
Sunflower Oil,
Argan Oil.

And you can check my website to see what they are and how they work.


To be continued to part 2

Munemi meets Linda Rodin(2)につづく

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