Munemi meets Lonneke Engel(1)「ニューヨークが大好きな理由」

Munemi meets Lonneke Engel(1)「ニューヨークが大好きな理由」

TOP MODEL Interview in N.Y

Munemi meets Lonneke Engel(1)


今回からスタートする「Beautiful Spirit New York ~Munemiの心とカラダに効くBeauty&Life style Talk~」。

ニューヨーク在住のMakeup Artist、Munemiによる第一回コンテンツは、去年、『Italian marie claire』の撮影で知りあったオランダ出身のモデル、Lonneke Engelのインタビューをお送りします。
彼女は、1995年に13歳で、「Abercrombie&Fitch」の広告でインターナショナルデビューして以来、数々のトップのマガジンや広告で活躍してきました。なかでもとくに過去12年間務めてきた「Ralph Lauren」のモデルとして親しまれています。

For my initial interview I spoke with Lonneke Engel, a Dutch model with whom I had the pleaseure of wokring with for an Italian Marie Claire photo shoot last year.
Lonneke debuted internationally in a 1995 Abercrombie & Fitch campaign at the age of 13. Since then she has graced the covers and pages of high end magazines and advertisements. Over the past 12 years she has gained renown as the iconic face of Ralph Lauren.

Interview&Text by Munemi

ミューズ、Lonneke Engelが愛用しているコスメ大公開!

M: Let's talk about New York living. How long have you been living in New York?

L: Well, I have been coming here since I started modeling, actually the first trip I ever made was to New York. I loved New York from the beginning and I finally started living here when my Dad actually passed away, that was in 2001. He was the one that was always traveling with me. After that I was like I need to do things on my own, and it was right after 9/11, and I moved to New York. I lived in a rental place for a long time and then I started looking to buy something and then I bought my apartment in Soho and now I am really happy here and I don't think I am going to leave anytime soon. Even whatever happens, whatever bad happens, New York will survive. People will survive. It's still the best city in the world I think. It's so alive, if you want to eat late at night you can, so much happening. I like New York, also that it you want the best movies, the best Broadway plays, really nice people, the most interesting people of the world come here because they know it gathers information and artistic people. So for me its is really interesting to see all of those people, all those smart minds together and its just the best of the best. The best of the fashion, I still think even though Paris is maybe considered the fashion capital but I think everyone who is in fashion really wants to come here. Best food that what I like and we will talk about more is that everything here they are much further ahead with organic beauty product wise but also food wise. Restaurants, a lot of really good organic and even vegan restaurants that I love to go to. Products, there are so many stores where you can buy organic creams, makeup, yeah so I love it here.






M: How do you take care of your skin in the morning and the night?

L: I used to always clean my face and put cream on at night but I would break out and I don't like it anymore. Now I have Crealine H2O and clean everything. At night my skin gets a rest. I make sure I always have water next to my bed so I drink water when I am thirsty. That's the thing your skin will only look better if you have the right amount of water in your body and that is why it is important to drink one and a half to two liters of water a everyday and so I always make sure that I have water wherever I go. I clean water from the tap because it is good for the environment. For my chapped lips I use SMITH'S - ROSEBUD SALVE and the next morning I clean it again with Crealine and put moisturizer on. My advice is pretty easy, clean, clean, clean, make sure it's always clean.

:以前はクレンジングのあとに夜はクリームをつけていたんだけど、吹き出物が出てたの。今は、夜は「Crealine H2O」でクレンジングしてそのまま何もつけずに肌を休めるようにしてる。


荒れたくちびるには、「SMITH'S - ROSEBUD SALVE」を使ってる。朝は「Crealine H2O」でクレンジングしてフェースクリームをつけてる。私からのアドバイスはとっても簡単、とにかくクレンジングをしっかりすること、肌を清潔に保つこと。

M: What are your favorite beauty products?

BIODERMA – Crealine H2O

BIODERMA – Crealine H2O

Tracie Martyn – Rescuplting Body Lotion

Evan Healy - Rose and Jasmine
Facial Tonic Hydrosol


AVALON ORGANICS – hand & body lotion

Sebastian - Laminates
Shampoo and products

Giovanni - Shine of the Times
Finishing Mist (Hair spray to
make it shine)

Aubrey E Plus High C –natural roll on deodorant

– Luminous silk foundation

–Maestro obsidian black mascara

NARS – Concealer

M: Do you have any favorite places for facials, spa, massage and manicure?

L: Tracie Martyn for a facial.
A lot of celebrities go there. Also she has a line of about five or six products and they are organic. She has a body lotion that is amazing makes you skin really better. A face washes that's amazing. I have to say for my beauty regime right now in winter I only use Crealine, but in the summer I like the face wash, it really gentle it does not dry your skin out.

:「Tracie Martyn」でのフェーシャル。


M: Do you exercise?

L: I made a little room in my apartment because I am pretty lazy. The cost of a yearly membership to a gym is almost the same as a good treadmill so I bought one. I am now running everyday in front of the TV and which is great and if I am tired I will just lie down and do it an hour later I will run a little more. If it good weather outside I run outside next to the Hudson river, its so nice with all those people in New York City. Also I like to jump on a trampoline. It is called Urban Rebounder and you can go to and see on the Internet how it works. You basically do certain dance routines on a small trampoline instead of jumping up you jump in the trampoline which makes all your muscles work harder. The one good thing about it is that it is one of the few exercises that target your lymphatic system, the system that takes all the toxins out of your body, it actually works that. Running does not do that, only on a trampoline. This is actually something that I know from my mother who is a registered nurse so she told me that. It is so much fun, you put music on and you just dance and I watch TV doing it, I do it in a class too. Everyone is doing it at the same time, you have an instructor in front of you, and you do a whole routine and you feel like you are a really great dancer. After forty-five minutes you are sweating. When you do it with weights, I do it with five pound weights, it's even better. Because you really work your muscles. It's the best exercise.


アーバンリバウンダーっていうんだけど、もしよかったら、 をチェックしてみて。


M: Is there any method that you practice to relax yourself?

L: I really like spending time by myself. My favorite thing to do is to sleep,I love sleeping. Even when I go out and I am at a party I am so excited that I am going to go home and sleep. Make sure that you have a nice bed, you sleep half of your life. It is one of the most important things that will make your whole day better. I really make sure I get a good night sleep. For me that's amazing. I have a massage once in a while but it is really about taking care of yourself. It's also reading a book and writing. Riding on horses too.



M: I heard that you have become a certified health counselor. What actually motivated you to do that?

L: I found out about this school in New York called the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, which is led by Joshua Rosenthal. It is basically a new movement of people from all over the world that come to this school that are being taught by the most amazing people in the world like Dr. Oz who comes to Oprah and talks about health and Dr, Weil, Deepak Chopra, so there are all these people and you make your own opinion on how you want to live your life, and how you want to help people. I really learned there that everyone is different, everyone is there own individual person, and that's how you have to look and listen to everybody individually. Sometime where my thing is, what I want to do is, I want to figure out how to live a healthier life for myself. But I also noticed that I like, I get really happy when I see someone eating something healthier and being happy eating and liking it so I cook a lot and I just wanted t know what else is out there, how can I make healthier recipes. So I went to this school and became a health counselor now it's very diverse I listened to people telling their problems and stories and I give them some suggestions. Mostly people know what to do and I just listen and they say, "ahh, my stomach aches, but maybe I drink too much coffee, but maybe I should stop doing that, maybe that's the trouble." It is nice that they have someone that can tell them yeah you are right or what about sleep, do you sleep enough? It makes people think;" Am I living a good life?" I also go shopping with them to buy healthier options of certain foods. I clean kitchens, I teach them simple recipes. Mostly what I like to do is write and discover new things so what I do in my free time is I go to shops and I discover new creams, foods, and anything organic, and I really want to try new restaurants and then I write about it in my blog, I now write for which is a blog that is a part of Fashion Week Daily. I write about healthy options anything that has to do with how you feel. I am interested how food influences how you feel. Why in America, why are there so many people that are depressed, and why is there the highest rate of diabetes and osteoporosis and all those things compared to the rest of the world, obese people, why is that and why is here the most amount of fast food. What is the connection and why, and why when you eat perfect for a few days you feel amazing when you work out for a few days you feel so strong. And when you don't work out for a few days and you sit in front of the TV and you eat junk you feel so bad. Why are your emotions so influenced by food? So that is why I started studying and it is really fun. I work now mostly with young girls and models but anybody can ask me, "What do you think?" It is not like I am putting my advice onto people but if people are willing to listen I like to talk. I love talking, I am a typical Gemini, yeah so that's the thing, I am obsessed with new food things, I am very excited when I see a new product on the market that I think is amazing. I need to promote it. People like you when the model eats. In this whole industry, people have such a negative impression of foods, it's good to tell people that there are models and fashion editors that are really busy getting better image of. I feel sometimes people still think that models are always not eating, I know so many girls don't, so there are problems to the girls, and it's good that we talk about it, yes, there is a problem that girls some have an eating disorder but there is so many way to handle this to get better. So we actually have a strong tool in the fashion industry actually helps those girls, that's what I want to focus on now is that healthy models can bring out so many good message out, I mean being thin is healthy for the rest of your life if you do it in a right way, eating healthy. Being thin gives you less chance to have a heart attack, all those things that if you eat a lot of sugars that give you more chance to get diableries, it is healthy to be thin if it's healthy way you do it. And you need to be moving you can't say that yeah, I'm a normal size girl but there are so many people that are not eating healthy, and moving and working out. I think they should have a good discussion like we have now and have thought input and I am really open to it I really want to have more discussions about it. I also love Japanese food and am into macrobiotics diet which is all about ying yang and local produce that you eat, I eat a lot of Japanese foods, it's done mostly by George Osawa.

:Joshua Rosenthalが率いる「Institute of Integrative Nutrition 」という学校を見つけたの。この学校って、世界中から集まってくる新しいムーブメントに共感したひとたちが素晴らしい教師陣によって教えられるのね。
テレビ番組の「Oprah」で健康について語るDr.OZのほかに、Dr.Weil、Deepak Chopra。自分がここで学んだことは、みんなちがうんだ、一人一人が個々の人間で、だからそういう目で一人一人を見なければいけないし、個々に話を聞かなきゃいけないということ。


ほとんどの人はじつはどうすればいいかわかってる、だから自分はただ話を聞くの。彼、彼女らは「腹痛があるんだけど、でもやっぱりコーヒー飲み過ぎてるな。やめたほうがいいよね。それが元因だと思うし」。話を聞いてくれてそれについて話してくれるひとがいるのはいいこと、「そうだよね、その通りだね」とか、「睡眠は? ちゃんと睡眠とってる?」とか。

今はchicreport.comに書いてる。これは、Fashion Week Daily のなかにあるのね。ひとの気分に影響を与えるような健康的なものはなんでも書くようにしてる。





でも、みんなで今私たちがここで話してるようなことを話し合いたいし、自分はいつでもそれに参加したい。それと私、日本食が大好きなの、 あと、ジョージ大沢さんが主に生み出したマクロビオティックも大好き。それって陰陽についてとその土地のものを食べることに基づいているの。

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