Special Edition-1 マーガレット・ハウエルを着る冬

Special Edition-1 マーガレット・ハウエルを着る冬

My style is described as modern, natural, understated, timeless

Special Edition-1 マーガレット・ハウエルを着る冬


Photo by Jamandfix


世界情勢にも端然と目を向け、自身の生活もスタイリッシュな堅実主義。彼女は“not a brand” “but so clever”といえる。
そんな彼女の彼女自身による“Design Philosophy”を紹介しよう。

MARGARET HOWELL Design Philosophy;
Written by Margaret Howell

I consider myself as a designer who designs clothes as compared to the definition ‘Fashion Designer’. I believe a Fashion Designer begins with a concept for a show to convey a statement or story whereas I design a one off product, which is function led and designed for retail. The clothes do encompass an element of current trend but largely it is one’s own style that remains constant.

My style is described as modern, natural, understated, timeless.

My approach to designing has always been inextricably linked with specialist manufacturing (Smedley, Rubberised Raincoat, Trickers shoes, a well-made shirt). The way something is made is inherent to the design. I admire and aspire to craftsmanship and quality.
私のデザインに対する取り組み方は、常に専門的なメーカー(ジョン スメドレー、ゴム引きレインコートのマッキントッシュ、トリッカーズシューズ、仕立てのよいシャツ)とは切っても切れないつながりがあります。物がどのようにつくられているかはデザインと固有の関わりをもっています。私はクラフツマンシップとクオリティに対し敬意とあこがれを抱いています。

The enduring quality of woven clothe, particularly pinstripe shirtings and wool suitings, and the natural qualities of linen, are linked with a respect for tradition. I love to re-interpret a classic traditional design for today’s life. I like things that are authentic and genuine. I like things that are natural and I like an independent spirit. (The simple self-confidence of Katherine Hepburn and Jane Birkin to wear clothes simply never falls to inspire me.)

I hope to incorporate these values into the new shop and to develop other areas of design that I am interested in beyond the clothes.


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